Symptoms of Malware Infection on Your Work Computer

Symptoms of Malware Infection on Your Work Computer

After becoming the target of a malware attack, 34% of firms require more than a week in order to obtain accessibility to their databases and infrastructure. The word “malware” is used to describe a wide variety of harmful programming. It may consist of:...
Attacks from Social Phishing: 6 Ways to Prevent Them

Attacks from Social Phishing: 6 Ways to Prevent Them

The most common way for attacks, including ransomware and credential theft, to be delivered is through phishing. Other forms of phishing have been expanding quickly, albeit we are extremely aware of it arriving via email. Phishing on social media has increased by 500%...
IT Offboarding – Are You Covering All Bases?

IT Offboarding – Are You Covering All Bases?

A simple, yet effective IT offboarding process is an important element to include when bidding farewell to members of staff. Whether they are retiring, switching to a new company, or have been performance managed out, it is vital that you ensure all IT aspects are...
These Google Search Tips Will Save You Tons Of Time

These Google Search Tips Will Save You Tons Of Time

Over 2.4 million searches happen every minute on Google. It’s often the first stop people make when they go online.   We search daily for both personal and work needs, and often searching out the right information can take a lot of time if you have to sift through...